The Pokémon franchise is 20 years old this month. We’ve got a retrospective of the series as a whole here, but as part of the anniversary celebrations Nintendo is also releasing the original three games on the 3DS Virtual Console. The games are actually only around 16 and a half years old as far as UK gamers are concerned though, with the games having taken an enormously long time to arrive here – even by normal Nintendo standards. Playing them again today they look even older than they actually are, and yet playing them is just as fun as ever.
Since Pokémon Blue is the version I played back in the day (as an American import, in what must’ve been 1998) that’s the one I’ve gone back to here. Although we’ve also had a quick play around with Pokémon Yellow as well. For those that don’t know, the mainline Pokémon games are always released in pairs, which are more or less identical except for some minor story details and a few pokémon that are exclusive to each. You’re not supposed to buy both, but instead the differences are intended to encourage trading between players – which we’ll get into later.
Pokémon Yellow is essentially a director’s cut, that at the time was released a couple of years later and includes some minor enhancements and changes. It has a slightly different story, that incorporates elements from the cartoon – including Jessie and James from Team Rocket. It was also designed to work with the Game Boy Color console, so had an increased colour palette instead of the stark black and white of the original Game Boy.
(As a special feature on the 3DS keep the ‘Start’ button held down as you load the game and you’ll get a display that mimics the original resolution and look of the Game Boy. Hold the ‘L’ and ‘R‘ shoulder buttons and press ‘Y’ and it’ll even switch to the original black and green).
But despite how low tech the game is the charm of the visuals is as strong as it ever was, and the mix of a top-down overworld and third person, turn-based battles hasn’t changed in all the sequels. Nor has the very open-ended premise of the game, which works as a Japanese style role-player mixed with elements of what are essentially open world gaming. There’s very little real story, and instead your main goal is to simply fill up a pokédex with details of all 150 pokémon (we’re not sure how they’re going to handle Mew yet).
You do this by capturing each of the critters in a pokéball. But first you have to get them weak enough so they don’t resist, by making one of your existing pokémon battle them. (That sounds a little macabre on paper but none of them ever die, they just ‘faint’.) This is achieved by a deceptively complex turn-based battle where each pokémon has access to up to four moves. New moves are earned by levelling up, and many of the pokémon can evolve into one or two new forms at certain points.
Each pokémon you capture and train has a type (anything from grass to ghost) and that means they’re vulnerable to different moves which have opposing types (i.e. grass pokémon are vulnerable to fire attacks). On top of this there are also many other move types that do things like poison or stun an opponent. This means you have to be very careful about what pokémon you field, and creating specialised pokémon for specific situations quickly becomes an obsession.
All this, we should remind you, is in a game that most people that haven’t played it probably assume was made for undemanding six-year-olds. But it’s not. It’s one of the most flexible and interesting role-playing games ever made, and the best testament to the quality of these original versions is how little the formula, or even presentation, has changed in the last 20 years.
At least In terms of the mainline games Pokémon has always deserved every penny of its success. It’s not the size of the marketing campaign that made these originals a hit but the quality and uniqueness of the experience. Even today, with dozens of clones and almost as many sequels, the first generation of Pokémon games are still hugely enjoyable to play. And it seems more of a miracle than ever that such a disarmingly complex game was ever made to work on such a low tech device as the humble Game Boy.
It now looks very likely that the next generation of Pokémon games will be revealed this week, and after playing the originals again we couldn’t be more excited. Which makes this re-release super effective for both nostalgic fans and those brand new to the franchise.
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